Important Book Reviews For Lee Vidor Novels
There's not a single book review published on the whole internet for Lee Vidor's lovely novels!
How can that possibly be?
All the other books in the world must be so important.
Deciphering a secret message from William Shakespeare just isn't enough to get a novel properly reviewed nowadays.
Everyone is just so busy doing really important stuff.
I guess I'm just too boring and unimportant a cartoon angel for those really important book review department editors.
And ebooks aren't real books anyhow.
They're only a lot of words which tell a story and that's not a book. Is it?
Oh well...
Smarter Book Reviewers Go Here
Don't Panic! Here are some lovely Reviews of Lee Vidor's novels.
And We Will Be Formless And Sacred As The Ocean
280 pages, $3-99 ebook
Standard PDF for all eReaders and computers.
Learn more about And We Will Be Formless And Sacred As The Ocean
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Read an Excerpt: And We Will Be Formless And Sacred As The Ocean
A book review by Not Lee Vidor.
What a lovely book this is.
I giggled. I wept. I got so romanced up I accidentally kissed a stranger on the train.
I never once thought of asking for my money back.
No wonder Lee Vidor got a secret message from William Shakespeare. I'm thinking of sending her one myself. And not only to beg her to have lunch with me. She's just that fascinating a person. I don't have sex with strangers.
Under Total Eclipse We Will Tremble Like Birds Without Song
315 pages, $3-99 ebook
Standard PDF for all eReaders and computers.
Learn more about Under Total Eclipse We Will Tremble Like Birds Without Song
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Read an Excerpt: Under Total Eclipse We Will Tremble Like Birds Without Song
Another book review by Not Lee Vidor.
What an exciting book this is.
I trembled. I cowered. I wondered what I would do if the Nazis found my private diary and knew about those photographs I let you-know-who take when I was drunk.
And I never once thought of asking for my money back.
No wonder Lee Vidor got a secret message from William Shakespeare. This book is so atmospheric it's just like she got one from Adolf Hitler too. Only not nearly as nice a one. What a monster that little man was. I'm going to watch out for him in the future because he's really not a funny man. I'm glad he's not in this book.
Love Is A Simple Thing,The Sound Of A Cello Singing
380 pages, $3-99 ebook
Standard PDF for all eReaders and computers.
Learn more about Love Is A Simple Thing, The Sound Of A Cello Singing
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Read an Excerpt: Love Is A Simple Thing, The Sound Of A Cello Singing
Another book review by Not Lee Vidor.
What an arousing book this is.
I panted. I quivered. I never once thought of getting dressed and behaving in a civilized manner.
No wonder Lee Vidor got a secret message from William Shakespeare. If I was William Shakespeare I'd send her a secret message too. She writes such erotic scenes that I almost embarrassed myself on the bus. And the train. I did it at home too, but I wasn't embarrassed there.
Who knew all this decadent stuff was going on in the past? I thought it was all ballroom dancing and saluting. I had no idea people were doing those things then. Or now really. But now that I've found out it's going on, I'm definitely volunteering for some of it. Life's short. And dull. Thank God for Lee Vidor. She opened my eyes.
Instead of asking for my money back I'm going to send her extra money.